Season 3 of Growing Belushi – Streaming on MAX!

————————— Season 3 of Growing Belushi – Streaming on MAX! ————————— Season 3 of Growing Belushi – Streaming on MAX! ————————— Season 3 of Growing Belushi – Streaming on MAX! —————————

How to Skillfully Grow Weed

Welcome to Belushi’s Farm’s expert guide on cannabis cultivation. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced grower, we’ll equip you with all the essential tips you need to grow weed successfully. Discover the secrets that will help you cultivate top-notch marijuana right in the comfort of your home.

The Weed-Growing Process

1. Understanding Cannabis Cultivation

Before diving into growing, it’s crucial to understand the basics of cannabis cultivation including the environment, lighting, nutrients, and other conditions the plant requires. Marijuana is a versatile plant with specific needs that must be met for optimal growth. Successful cultivation starts with choosing the right strain based on your preferences for its effects on the body and what is best suited to your specific environment. Depending on your preferred body effects, you could ask the breeders for major and minor cannabinoid potency and what their terpene profiles are like. Factors to consider for your indoor or outdoor growing are lighting, space, how long the plant takes to finish or mature, temperature, humidity, which varieties are most resistant to certain pathogens found in your area, and nutrients. 

2. Indoor Growing: Creating the Perfect Environment

Creating the perfect environment for your cannabis plants is essential for their health and productivity. Start by setting up a dedicated grow room or grow tent. If you are growing outdoors or in greenhouses, find a sunny location where they will have access to healthy soil and plenty of light. Control the lighting using high-quality LED lights to mimic natural sunlight and adjust the light cycle to imitate the plant’s natural growth phases. Cannabis is a photoperiod plant which means that they mature in relation to the day length. 

Maintaining the right temperature and humidity is crucial for your cannabis plants. The ideal temperature range is between 67-75°F during the day, and slightly cooler at night. Keep the humidity levels around 55-70% during the vegetative stage and 40-55% during the flowering stage to prevent mold growth.

3. Germination: The First Step in Growing Weed

To germinate your cannabis seeds, you can use the paper towel method or the soak and plant method. Whichever way you choose, ensure that your seeds have access to warmth, moisture, and darkness to stimulate their growth. Once your seeds have sprouted, carefully transfer them to a small container with nutrient-rich soil, ensuring they have ample space to develop strong roots. 

4. Transplanting and Vegetative Growth

As your marijuana plants grow, they will require more space and nutrients. Transplant them into larger pots once their root system becomes well-established. During this phase, your plants will develop foliage and grow taller. This is what is called the vegetative stage and a rule of thumb to follow for indoor growing is to make sure the plants receive 18 hours of light during this phase.

Ensure you provide the plants with a balanced nutrient solution that contains a good mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. During the vegetative stage, higher levels of nitrogen are preferred as this drives plant growth and supports the plant’s ability to photosynthesize. Always watch the pH of your water and soil along with its electrical conductivity (EC). These are both factors that indicate how well the plant will be able to uptake the nutrients you are giving it.

Getting a par reader will be helpful to monitor light intensity if you are growing indoors or in greenhouses and using lights or supplemental lights. You want to make sure that you don’t damage your plants. Bleaching on the leaves is a sign that the light intensity may be off.  

5. Flowering Stage and Maximizing Yield

Because they are photoperiod plants, their life cycle will transition from a vegetative stage to the flowering stage where they begin to develop buds and mature. Adjust the light cycle to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to trigger flowering. As your plants flower, they will require higher levels of phosphorus and potassium and lower nitrogen levels. A well-rounded nutrient program will also include micronutrients such as calcium and magnesium along with minerals like silica.

Pruning and training your plants during this stage can significantly improve yields and promote even growth to ensure there is even light being dispersed across the canopy. Use techniques like topping, low-stress training (LST), and defoliation to encourage multiple colas and bushier plants.

Maintain a close eye on the trichomes, the tiny crystals on the buds, to determine the perfect time for harvest. They will visually go from glassy to milky which indicates they are very close to being ready to harvest. For a more potent product, allow some trichomes to turn amber before harvesting.

6. Common Pests and How to Deal with Them

Unfortunately, pests can significantly threaten your cannabis plants, even when grown indoors. Watch closely for any signs of infestation, such as yellowing leaves, webbing, or small bugs crawling on the foliage. 

To deal with pests effectively, use organic pest control methods whenever possible to avoid harmful residue on your buds. There are safe sprays that can be applied that will help mitigate these issues. Safe and effective sprays include neem oil and insecticidal soap. Other Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques that can be used are introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs. 


You’ve now gained a solid understanding of how to grow weed effectively.  Cannabis cultivation can be a rewarding and fulfilling hobby when approached with the proper knowledge and techniques. Remember to choose the right strain, create an ideal indoor environment, and give your plants the care and attention they need at each growth stage. Happy growing!

Watch Seasons 1-3 of Growing Belushi on Discovery+

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